G. Toland
An analysis of Trump's speech
.......Rigid adherence to basic techniques is one of the most conspicuous features of his oratory. Violently partisan, Trump speaks as the champion of American nationalism, the absolute voice of ‘Americanism.' In his opinion, his position is unassailable, whereas others are always in the wrong and forever to blame. His campaign rallies reveal him as a master of half-truth. He traffics promiscuously in falsehood and deception, but he allows for at least a semblance of verity in most of what he says. This accounts in part for his appeal............For maximum effect he relies on simple ideas, ceaseless repetition, emotional entreaty, and dramatic tweets. Expediency dictates the theme of his oratory. His speeches are designed to serve whatever immediate purpose he has in mind. To shield his own gaffs, he imputes to others what he is most guilty of himself.
But Scroll down
This is actually my adaptation of another speech analysis. I tried to modernize the vernacular only enough to make it seem current. I am not the first to see the similarities addressed here. I cannot take credit for finding this document; it was given to me by someone* who happened to have an original copy.
(click images to enlarge)

(Here is the text in case you have problems reading the photo. )
FROM the beginning of his career as a politician, Hitler‘s speeches have served as potent weapons of propaganda in the hands of an unscrupulous opportunist. Rigid adherence to basic techniques is one of the most conspicuous features of his oratory. Violently partisan, Hitler speaks as the high priest of German nationalism, the supreme pontiff of ‘Germanolatry.' In his opinion Germany's position is unassailable, whereas the other side is always in the wrong and forever to blame. The Fuehrer’s public addresses reveal him as a master of half-truth. He traffics promiscuously in falsehood and deception, but he allows for at least a semblance of verity in most of what he says. This accounts in part for the effectiveness of his propaganda, His messages are directed primarily to the gullible and unreflecting masses. For maximum effect he relies on simple ideas, ceaseless repetition, emotional entreaty, and dramatic ceremonial. Expediency dictates the theme of his oratory. His speeches are designed to serve whatever immediate purpose he has in mind. To shield his own malefactions he imputes to others what he is thrice guilty of himself. No individual bears more responsibility for the
present war than Hitler; yet he stoutly insists that he has always been a man of peace, that the oonfiict was forced upon him by the ‘war mongers’ in the democracies. Few political leaders of our age have used their oratorical talents for the implementation of their policy so prodigiously and so fanatically as Hitler. Though intended chiefly for consumption in Germany, his addresses have
* The person who gave me this lived through WWII in Europe and saw at least one close family friend taken to a German concentration camp.
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